Adult Healthcare Assistant

Level 4

This module is delivered in partnership with Teesside University. All the theoretical components are delivered by Circle Health Group Corporate Clinical Educators.

The emphasis of the module is on developing knowledge and skills to support the registered practitioner in the clinical environment.

This module is four months in length inclusive of 10 study days delivered over 8 weeks.  An initial two days in the first week will introduce the students to the role of the health care assistant in the clinical environment including fundamental clinical skills, documentation and record-keeping, clinical governance and patient safety.  The remainder of the study days will focus on the underpinning theory and application of clinical skills in the workplace, for example, person hygiene, nutrition and hydration, communication and elimination.

Entry Requirements:

Applicants should discuss access to this course with their manager and Practice Based Educator prior to booking.

A signed Learning Agreement will be required upon application.

Further information:

Please see Learning Space for more information or email